Page 29 - Abundance Accelerator (Allanah Hunt) : Flip It & Read It
P. 29

That reaction is energy in motion, or E-motion, and it leaves

         an imprint. 

         The stronger the emotion left by this energy encounter, the
         deeper the imprint. 

         When we feel an emotion, what we are really sensing is the

         vibration of a particular energy. You see...

         Scientists have proven that each emotion has its own
         vibratory signature.

         Positive emotions such as joy, happiness and love create a
         high vibration and clear flow of energy…

         … while negative emotions such as fear, anxiety and shame

         produce a low vibration and slow the flow of energy. 

         When energy is in motion, it’s vibrating.

         We see this clearly under a microscope when we examine any

         Quantum Physics and the world’s most advanced
         neurobiolog ical science teaches that every cell in your body is
         a ball of energy with an electrical charge of approximately .07


         This might not sound like a lot. But…
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